Occupy Wall Street Part Deux

Inhabit Wall Street - We need to have some thoughts and goals behind the demonstration!
So I have been catching some flak for my previous posts about Occupy Wall Street. But http://love.cnj.info/sm/out.cgi?id=30408&url=https://macgallery.net with no eyesight and protesting with no targets are counter-productive. So it's time for the leadership of Occupy Wall Street to get together and set a strategy in motion!
Dwell Wall Street Guy Pooping On Police Car Oct 2011
Let's get corporate America, the government and the entire 100% to all tighten our belts and work towards a better tomorrow.
Since the Inhabit Wall Street movement likes to make waves - Why not shoot for the stars and aim high?
This kind of goes against the heart of the capitalist ideals, but perhaps desperate times call for drastic measures!
Here is a rough idea that OWS can latch onto (naturally there should be supervision and legal issues to address, but it's a beginning)
The Occupy Wall Street initiative for economic leadership and social responsibility:
Mantra: Our future is now and our place is here!
Aim: Lead the way to a stronger and fairer tomorrow.
Targets: Getting corporations, government and the folks to invest in tomorrow.
Steps and bench marks:
A- To increase as much as possible. Kicking off the donation would be a group of as many fortune 500 companies as possible to set aside 1,000,000,000.00 each - towards this enterprise.
B- Getting as many worldwide businesses / organizations around the globe to match (or even exceed) that gift.
C- Turning to small businesses to donate as much as possible.
D- Turning to the public to donate 1% of our private wealth towards this enterprise.
E- Turning to congress to donate to the fund.
D- Creating a list of issues that can potentially be solved by investing money
Couple having sex in public at Occupy Wall Street
Couple having sex in public at Dwell Wall Street
1- Alternative energy - we set up a Manhattan type project where we sit down the leading minds in science, technology with people from the manufacturing, financing, banking (and so on) sectors to figure out the best way to go about creating the products, supporting the infrastructure and financing the development and enactment of the fresh products. They are not to call it off before we have the solutions in position. ( https://megalodon.jp/?url=http:/wwwbeach-photos.net announce that the convention be held in Detroit - a city that might end up leading the generation end of this project).
2- Investing in the highest crime areas. We implement the broken window theory.
5- Go to the schools with the highest crime rate and execute the broken window theory for a whole 10 block radius at minimum. (And supplying additional capital for security).
6- Providing computer (and other fields) job training programs and help with job placement.
7- Investing in after school programs and tasks. Some could be cleanup jobs and social support programs (big brothers, mentors and so on).
8-Investing and starting area clean ups - big and little areas.
10- Supplying public office sharing spaces that are hi-tech and exceptionally affordable for small businesses and start ups.
11- Investing in local place inner city playgrounds and public parks.
14- Investing in public mental illness clinics.
16- Determining our partners across the world to donate to our cause- a stronger America for a stronger world!
18- Investing in medical and scientific research.
19- Making sure that everything is imagined, created / manufactured and promoted by local USA companies only. In the case that materials and equipment are bought they should just be allowed to buy products that were made in the USA.
20- Getting as many businesses as possible to bring their offices and manufacturing jobs back to the united states and assisting in fiscal prices of relocation (bonuses).
21- Investing in USA start-ups that do at least 90% of the real creation work in the USA.
22- Pushing for a 1% across the board tax and those funds will directly go to paying off the national debt. Corporate / income / sales / import / capital gains - with no limit on everyone bringing in earning $20,000 or more.
23- Investing a chunk in us - 10 year government bonds.
Simply consider the chances - Apple , Google, Exon, BP and many others have trillions sitting in bank accounts, but what good does it do for those funds to be sitting there with no buyers?
That way they'll at least be saying something rather than the customary hot air and no substance.
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Tags: culture, new york, new york city
Type: Naked News, Public Nudity and Being Naked In Public, Social Activism, Social Nudity Sites
About the Author (Author Profile)
Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and cofounder of Naturist Portal.